Ogrillions and Orog (Half-Ogres, Orc Breed)

Ogrillions and Orog (Half-Ogres, Orc Breed)byColin Chapman

Medium-size Humanoid (Ogrillon)
Hit Dice:
2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (hide armor); base 30 ft.
AC: 15 (+3 hide armor, +2 natural)
Attacks: Greatclub +6 melee or Longspear +5 melee or Slam +5 melee
Damage: Greatclub 1d10+6 or Longspear 1d8+6 or Slam 1d3+4
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. w/ Longspear)
Special Attacks: Reinforced punch
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +0, Will -1
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +5, Listen +1, Spot +1
Feats: Weapon Focus (greatclub)

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), or band (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class

Medium-size Humanoid (Orog)
Hit Dice:
3d8+6 (20 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (half plate armor); base 30 ft.
AC: 17 (+7 half plate armor)
Attacks: Greataxe +5 melee; or Javelin +2 ranged
Damage: Greataxe 1d12+4; or Javelin 1d6+3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +3, Search +2, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 2 3rd level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level) or band (20-80 plus 150% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class


The ogrillon is a fierce species of the half-ogre, being the fruit of a union between ogres and orcs. The ogrillon displays the general tendencies of its larger cousin with some exceptions. It is even more brutish and violent, and it normally learns to speak only Giant and a handful of words in Common.

The ogrillon is the size of an orc, and closely resembles one. One in every ten is born with features and coloration very similar to those of ogres, such as yellowish skin and dull, dark green hair. The skin of an ogrillon of either type is covered with small horn plates, giving it natural armor and enabling it to fight without weapons. An ogrillon disdains armor — although it is often clad in thick, uncured hides — and most other material items, retaining only a handful of gold pieces as treasured belongings. It is uncertain why they would keep gold, except perhaps as good luck charms.

Because of their single-mindedness, ogrillons are often approached by orcs when they need good fighters against some enemy. Ogrillons are happy to join and fight, sometimes for the love of combat and destruction, but often for more lucky gold pieces. In combat, there is only a 10% chance that a typical ogrillon can be distinguished from an orc. Ogrillons that resemble ogres, of course, clearly stand out.

Ogrillons are the issue of a female orc mated with a male ogre. Thankfully, it is sterile. The union of a male orc and a female ogre yields an orog.


Ogrillons love mayhem, and are just as likely to plunge in with both fists flying, as they are to attack with weapons. An ogrillon out of combat is restless and troubled, but it will be seen chuckling merrily to itself during a good fight.

Reinforced Fists (Ex.): Due to their great strength and horn-reinforced fists, an ogrillon’s punches cause normal, rather than subdual, damage.


An ogrillon’s favored class is barbarian, and ogrillon leaders tend to be barbarians. Ogrillon clerics worship Gruumsh (favored weapon: any spear) and can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War. Most ogrillon spellcasters, however, are adepts (see page 37 in the DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide). Ogrillon adepts favor spells that cause damage.


Elite orcs, or orogs, are a race of great orcs with ogre blood. Orogs are usually a little over 6 feet tall, and resemble powerful orcs. They are highly disciplined warriors and have their own standards and banners which they display prominently — it is usually easy to tell when orogs are present among common orcs. Orogs can be found at the vanguard of large orc armies, but rarely on patrol. There is a 10% chance that an orc tribe will have orog members, whose number equals 10% of the male common orc population. Small bands of orogs will hire themselves out as mercenaries. Orogs use weaponry common to orcs.


An orog’s favored class is fighter, and orog leaders tend to be fighters. Orog clerics worship Gruumsh (favored weapon: any spear) and can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War. Most orog spellcasters, however, are adepts (see page 37 in the DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide). Orog adepts favor spells that cause damage.